Why Do Most People Prefer Braces Than Clear Aligners?

Why Do Most People Prefer Braces Than Clear Aligners

When it comes to straightening teeth and achieving a more confident smile, people have several options to choose from. Two popular orthodontic treatments are traditional braces and clear aligners. 

While both methods are effective in realigning teeth, it’s evident that a significant number of individuals still opt for traditional braces. 

In this blog post, Klinika Dental Clinic will help you find out the reasons why most people prefer braces over clear aligners and delve into the advantages and disadvantages of each option.


Efficacy and Complexity

Traditional braces are a tried-and-true method for correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues. Their effectiveness in treating complex cases, such as severe overcrowding or significant misalignment, is well known. 

Braces apply constant pressure to the teeth, guiding them into the desired position with precision and accuracy. 

Clear aligners offer a discreet and aesthetically pleasing alternative to braces, but their limited efficacy in handling more challenging orthodontic issues may lead some individuals to choose braces for a more comprehensive treatment.

Cost Considerations

Cost is an essential factor for many people seeking orthodontic treatment. In general, traditional braces tend to be more affordable than clear aligners. 

The materials used in braces are typically less expensive, which translates into lower treatment costs for patients. 

This cost advantage makes braces a more accessible option for individuals who might find clear aligners financially prohibitive.

Compliance and Discipline

Traditional braces are permanently fixed to the teeth, meaning wearers have no choice but to maintain compliance throughout the treatment process. 

For some individuals, this lack of flexibility can be an advantage as they don’t have to worry about removing aligners for eating or cleaning. 

The fixed nature of braces ensures constant treatment progress, and the responsibility lies with the orthodontist to make any necessary adjustments.

In contrast, clear aligners are removable, and their effectiveness largely depends on the patient’s discipline in wearing them consistently. 

Some people may struggle with adhering to the prescribed wearing time, which can potentially prolong the treatment process or compromise the final results.

Speed of Treatment

Patients often desire fast results when it comes to orthodontic treatment. In general, traditional braces can yield quicker outcomes, especially for more complex cases. The continuous pressure exerted by braces allows for a more controlled and rapid movement of teeth.

Clear aligners, while effective, might take longer to achieve the desired results, especially if the patient doesn’t wear them as directed. The aligners’ removable nature may tempt some to leave them out for extended periods, inadvertently prolonging the treatment time.

Proven Track Record

Braces have been used for decades, and their effectiveness is well-documented. Many people feel more comfortable opting for a treatment that has stood the test of time and has been widely accepted within the dental community.


A Professional Orthodontist Will Guide Your Decision Between Braces and Clear Aligners

Consulting an orthodontist is crucial when deciding between braces and clear aligners because they are dental professionals specialized in diagnosing and treating teeth misalignments. 

Orthodontists possess the expertise and experience to assess your unique orthodontic needs, including the complexity of your case, oral health status, and lifestyle.

Orthodontists can also provide personalized recommendations based on these factors, ensuring the most effective treatment option is chosen. They consider your treatment goals and preferences, discussing the advantages and limitations of both braces and clear aligners.

By seeking guidance from an orthodontist, you can make an informed decision, avoiding potential pitfalls and achieving optimal results. 

Orthodontists’ comprehensive knowledge ensures that the chosen treatment aligns with your specific needs, leading to a healthier, more confident smile in the most efficient and reliable manner possible.


Need to See a Professional Orthodontist?

At Klinika Dental Clinic, Dubai, we take pride in being a professional dental clinic that caters to a diverse range of dental needs through our comprehensive orthodontic services. 

We believe in creating beautiful smiles and providing effective solutions to correct misalignments. Our orthodontic treatments are:

Standard Metal Braces (Silver)

Our traditional metal braces are a time-tested and effective option for achieving a straighter smile. Comprising metal brackets and wires, these braces gently guide teeth into their desired positions.

Standard Ceramic Braces

If you are seeking a discreet orthodontic treatment, our standard ceramic braces are an excellent choice. With ceramic brackets that blend seamlessly with natural tooth color, these braces offer a less noticeable appearance.

Self-Ligating Metal Braces

Experience a friction-reduced orthodontic treatment with self-ligating metal braces. These special brackets eliminate the need for elastics or ligatures, potentially leading to shorter treatment times.

Self-Ligating Ceramic Braces

Combining the advantages of self-ligating technology with aesthetic appeal, our self-ligating ceramic braces ensure efficient tooth movement and improved aesthetics.


Ideal for both adults and teenagers, Invisalign utilizes a series of clear aligners that are removable and virtually invisible. Enjoy a comfortable and flexible orthodontic experience with Invisalign.


After completing orthodontic treatment, maintaining the newly aligned teeth is crucial. Our retainers help prevent any shifting back, ensuring your smile stays as beautiful as ever.

At Klinika Dental Clinic, our team of experienced orthodontists is dedicated to providing personalized care and helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. 

Whether you’re looking for traditional braces or more discreet options like Invisalign, we have the right solution for you. 



While both traditional braces and clear aligners are effective orthodontic treatments, the preference for braces over clear aligners can be attributed to factors such as their efficacy in complex cases, affordability, fixed nature ensuring compliance, faster treatment times, and their well-established track record.

It’s essential to remember that each individual’s orthodontic needs are unique, and the choice between braces and clear aligners should be made in consultation with a qualified orthodontist. 

Regardless of the method chosen, the ultimate goal remains the same – achieving a beautiful, healthy smile that boosts self-confidence and improves overall oral health.

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